Announcing Commercial Operation: Sundance Wind

Announcing the start of commercial operation at Sundance Wind Energy Center!

Located in Woods and Major Counties, Oklahoma, this 199-megawatt wind project is joined with two other wind projects, the 999-megawatt Traverse Wind Energy Center and the 287-megawatt Maverick Wind Energy Center, to make up the North Central Energy Facilities. Developed by Invenergy, this monumental wind energy center is expected to produce a total of 1,485 megawatts of wind energy when all three facilities come online. American Electric Power (AEP) will assume ownership of the three wind farms upon start of commercial operations to serve customers of subsidiaries Southwestern Electric Power Company (SWEPCO) and Public Service Company of Oklahoma (PSO).

Working with Invenergy’s team members on Sundance’s site development, ECI’s Dave Maehl, Josh Doering, and Heather Dell and their engineering teams provided extensive power delivery design work for the site, including a 34.5 – 138 kV substation, 34.5 kV collector system, over 20 miles of 138 kV transmission line, and studies and SCADA integration support.

But our work doesn’t stop here – ECI and EPCS are also in the midst of substation, transmission, and collector system designs for Maverick and Traverse Wind. These facilities are anticipated to begin commercial operation in late 2021 and early 2022. With the commercial start of Sundance, we’re feeling energized for the next chapter in the North Central Energy Facilities Project.

Read more about Sundance Wind here and here.