ECI’s Madison, Wisconsin office recently held their annual food and cash drive for Second Harvest Food Bank, a southern Wisconsin food bank that has put over 100 million meals on the table. Read about our office’s successful fundraiser from Donna Wise-Koenig:
The Madison office held their annual food and cash drive for the Second Harvest Food Bank. The pandemic has really put a crunch on all of us in so many ways and this year’s food drive was not exempt. We knew this year would be questionable as far as actual non-perishable food donations and we were hoping that we could make up for it monetarily. We did!
In-house donations came to $1,191 plus Corporate’s match of $500 and our grand total is: $1,691. Our donations will provide over 5,000 meals for people in need!
We are so very proud of everyone who donated, and are happy that we have helped to provide food for a great many people in our area!