Introducing ECI’s Newest Board Members

ECI, meet the newest members of our Board of Directors – Crystal Kuntz and Dale Broveak.

Recently promoted to Director of Client Relations and Marketing, Crystal Kuntz, P.E., has been with ECI for 17 years. With a background as a civil engineer for two regional consultants, Crystal joined ECI in 2003 and has built both our Environmental and Marketing groups from the ground up in the time she’s been here.

Dale Broveak, our Vice President of Substation QA & Standards, has been a part of ECI for over 28 years. He’s seen the substation group grow from 5 members to over 250 engineers, designers and support staff. Currently overseeing quality assurance and standards companywide, Dale has become a trusted leader in ECI’s substation engineering group.

ECI and EPCS’s rate of growth have been excellent in the past year. Crystal sees our continued success as a group effort. “Our past success has been phenomenal, and it will be up to our whole team to ensure that we sustain it into the future,” she says. “It will be important for us to continue to seek ways to evolve to best meet the needs of our industry while continuing to mai​​​​​​​ntain our highest standard of quality.” Dale agrees that our success springs from each employee providing exemplary work. “ECI management started with a vision of making this firm the best consulting firm in the region,” he says. “We are now arguably one of the best in the nation.  We must continue this practice.  The strength of our company is founded upon solid work ethic and very strong utility engineers.”

As for visions for ECI’s future, Dale believes quality control and professional growth opportunities are an essential element: “A strong Board with commitment to solid quality control practices, employee training and growth will keep ECI a top tier provider for decades to come.  I think it is important to continue to provide outstanding opportunities for growth and excellence to all our staff.” Crystal maintains that a diverse workforce will keep ECI at the forefront of the industry. “My vision for ECI’s future includes a thriving team of many varied talents. Each and every member of the team is imperative to the overall success of the firm. Everyone has a keen understanding of the ways in which their specific role can be best executed, and I’m excited to see how the application of this knowledge will help ECI prosper in the decades to come.”

Congratulations, Dale and Crystal! ECI is lucky to have your representation on the Board.