Project Spotlight: Manatee BESS

Florida Power & Light and ECI are underway on a fantastic new project – the Manatee Battery Energy Storage System! This 409-megawatt solar energy BESS is a groundbreaking venture, anticipated to have 4x the storage capacity of the world’s current largest BESS.

Located on 40 acres in Western Florida, Manatee BESS will be charged by an existing FPL solar power plant in the area. With a fast-approaching operation date of late 2021, this monumental project is estimated to eradicate more than 1 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions. Manatee is part of FPL’s aggressive renewable energy goals, with a target of building 30 million solar panels by 2030. This facility will also aid in the retirement of two fossil fuel generation units in the area.

ECI is contributing to the Manatee project by creating the preliminary BESS design and design of 230 kV transmission lines for interconnection. With involvement in over 50 BESS projects and hundreds of renewable energy designs under our belt, ECI is excited for another opportunity to work with renewable storage facilities.

Did you know that by 2025, 25% of all solar collection systems will be paired with battery storage facilities? Not only is solar energy quickly becoming a more affordable power solution, but pairing it with a storage system means customers are guaranteed a reliable power source, even with cloud cover or otherwise inclement weather conditions.

Read more about it here and here!

Talk to us today about your next BESS power solution!