Saticoy Energy Storage Project Brings Power Grid Dependability

Saticoy Battery Energy Storage, one of the largest battery energy storage facilities in the United States, is officially in operation! This 100-megawatt storage system stores enough solar energy to power the city of Oxnard, California for four hours, or all of Ventura County for 30 minutes. Mitigating outages and bringing dependability to the power grid, Saticoy will help maintain a reliable supply of renewable energy to Southern California.[1]

ECI and EPCS created the infrastructure that connects the Saticoy Energy Battery Storage to Southern California Edison’s electrical system. With our San Diego office leading the project, ECI and EPCS designed, tested, and built Saticoy’s 34.5-66 kV Manitee Substation and Southern California Edison’s 66 kV Alisa Switchyard, interconnecting the Manitee Substation with underground collection feeder cables to the battery storage system. Now, the power collected and stored at Saticoy can be quickly deployed to SCE’s electrical grid, providing renewable power during peak demand.

We’d like to congratulate Arevon and Strata Clean Energy on the development of this project, and to ECI’s Aaron Kinnee, EPCS’ Nate Hinkle, and the dozens of other ECI/EPCS team members for a job well done. The future of battery storage is bright – and we’re more than ready to help.

Read more about this project here and here,  and check out some cool shots from the site in our video below!


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