Falcon Substation Design

Lafayette County, WI

The new greenfield Falcon Substation was constructed near the north end of The Quilt Block Wind Farm, on transmission line X-14. ECI provided full design services to the 138 kV Substation to accommodate a generation collection facility addition to the power system. The Falcon Substation was arranged in a three breaker ring bus configuration with one generation position and two line positions, capable of future expansion to six breakers.

The new substation segmented the 138 kV X-14 transmission line between existing Darlington and Hillman Substations into two segments, X-14 and X-101. The interconnection consists of jumpers and equipment to connect the Interconnection Customer’s (IC) Transmission Line equipment with ATC’s rigid bus. A line disconnect switch isolates the line from the three position ring bus interconnection switchyard facility.

Insulators on the switchyard dead-ends routes the conductors to the line disconnect switch and surge arresters, then to the switchyard bus equipment. Any shielding wire for IC facilities terminate at the Interconnection switchyard dead-end vangs. Relay protection and control consists of two line relay panels with primary and secondary schemes and DCU communication (X-14 and X-101), one differential relay panel to protect the bus associated with the IC’s facilities with primary and secondary schemes, and two panels consisting of breaker failure and auto reclose relay protection for the three substation breakers.

  • Complete design of 138 kV substation to accommodate generation collection facility addition.
  • Provided interconnection design into the existing transmission line.


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