Andrews County, TX
Electrical Consultants, Inc. (ECI), in conjunction with EPC Services Company (EPCS), provided detailed engineering, design, procurement, construction, testing and commissioning for the Prospero I Solar Substation. This project included a 34.5 – 345 kV Substation with a 2.2-mile 345 kV transmission line. The Substation design included (2) 100/133.3/173 MVA at 65°C, 345 – 34.5 – 20.12 kV wye-grounded/wye-grounded transformers with a buried delta tertiary; (2) 345 kV, 2000 A, 40 kAIC breakers; (10) 34.5 kV, 1200 A, 40 kAIC breakers; (2) 21.6 MVAR capacitor banks with capswitchers and (3) 345 kV CVTs.
Prospero I Solar Substation was energized in early 2020 and it has been in service since.
As the result of the high-quality services provided by the teams, ECI and EPCS were awarded the Prospero II Solar Project to provide detailed engineering, design, procurement, construction, testing and commissioning. This project includes a 34.5 – 345 kV Substation with a 2.92-mile 345 kV transmission line. The Substation design is including (2) 85.2/113.6/142 MVA at 65°C, 345 – 34.5 – 13.865 kV wye-grounded/wye-grounded transformers with a buried delta tertiary; (2) 345 kV, 2000 A, 40 kAIC breakers; (8) 34.5 kV , 1200 A, 40 kAIC breakers and (3) 345 kV CVTs.
Prospero II Solar Substation is anticipated to be energized in early 2021.
- Key Facts and Highlights:
- Sequential E-P-C builds of two substations and associated transmission line.
- Substations included four (4) 345/345.5 kV transformers.
345 kV transmission totaled over 5 miles.