Texas County, OK
The Woodward to Hitchland Project was a new, 100-mile 345 kV double-circuit transmission line beginning at the Woodward District EHV Substation and ending at the SPS interconnection of the line at the border between Texas County and Beaver County, Oklahoma. The line was constructed using steel monopoles with steel arms uplifted approximately 3% from horizontal. Conductor for this 3000 amp rated line is two-conductor bundled 1590 ACSR “Lapwing” with a 36-fiber OPGW and 7#8 Alumoweld shield wire.
ECI performed a routing and siting analysis for the project leading to the selection of the preferred alternative. Several environmentally sensitive areas were identified in the analysis which were then avoided to the greatest extent possible when finalizing the route. ECI staff also led the overall public process, providing public notification and hosting public informational meetings in cooperation with OG&E.
As part of the overall planning and engineering, ECI’s planning team also completed several electrical studies. These studies included a Voltage Imbalance Study, which recommended the line be transposed; an Inductive Loss Study, which determined the shield wire should be segmented to reduce losses; and a Lightning Performance Study, which confirmed that the structure design was adequate to protect the conductors from lightning strikes. These comprehensive studies allowed ECI to provide the most cost-effective, comprehensive design feasible.
Engineering began immediately once ECI was awarded the project to allow for sequencing of construction after ECI’s existing OG&E’s 345 kV single-circuit Sooner to Cleveland Line Project was energized.
ECI performed complete Construction and Materials Management for this project. In addition, ECI’s host of responsibilities included Right-of-Way Management, Survey Management, Environmental Permitting, Engineering, and overall Project Management.
- Designed approximately 100 miles of new 345 kV double-circuit transmission line
- Monopole steel structures of up to 170 feet in height
- Conductor: 2-bundle 1590 KCM lapwing
- 36-Fiber OPGW
- 7 #8 Alumoweld shield wire
- Two-pole dead-end and large angle structures